Unless it's in cough syrup I abstain from alcohol. I refuse to have it under my roof. As for me and my house we will not drink alcohol. I would never marry a drinker, no matter how light a "social drinker" she would claim to be. It's either me or the alcohol. Period. I believe there are good reasons for refusing alcohol, physically, psychologically, culturally and, most importantly, biblically.
My social stand against alcohol isn't anything new. Evangelical Christians such as myself once were all tee-totalers. For some reason newer generations of folks want the hooch. I just don't get it. Maybe it's because we don't preach against it anymore. We should.
Dean Emeritus of Anderson University's School of Theology, Dr. David L. Sebastian, honored me by asking if I would read and write a short review of his book, Sober Conscious: Educational Essays for Alcohol Awareness.
Alcohol and the Christian (Part 1):
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4